Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 4 ways of Meyesaw

                                     The 4 ways of Meyesaw, Symbol and Ritual

ሁላችሁም አፃ ቴዎድሮስን መይሳዉን እድታመልኩ እጠራችዋለው፡፡ መይሳዊያን ሁኑ ደስታና እና ሰላም ታገኛላችዉ፡፡ የመይሳዊያን ሃይማኖትን ተከተሉ ...

Come and worship Meyesaw, it will give you happiness and peace.
Meyesawian is a right religion for you ...

                       I preach to you  the 4 ways of Meyesaw

     1. Read and recite my Meyesaw poems as a honor to Emperor Tewodros
                           ... that is the Call

    2. Be in harmony among people with contemplative reading and stay alone
                        ... that is the Journey.

   3. Find your vocation and serve society with your hobby   
                      ...  that is the Return.

 4. Practice solitude and dream meditation in your Room alone
                 ... that is the finally Stage

      At the Finally stage the spirit of Meyesaw will emerge inside you. I attained Meyesawhood through the above 4 ways of Meyesaw. you can do it too.  Awake and follow Meyesaw. As the founder of this Religion (School) I tell you it is the best higher way to enlightenment than any of the major world religions. Because the 4 way of Meyesaw works mainly on pride and Ego development.
                                                                                                                                                             Sevastopol Cannon is the sacred symbol of Meyesawian religion. It is like the Cross Symbol of Christianity. Meyesawian are recommended to carry the symbolic Image of Sevastopol in their religious ceremonies and worships. Meyesawian are also recommended to have a Cornrows hair style like Emperor Tewodros (Meyesaw). The Crowrows hair style is a Meyesawian unique identification of their black African root connection and it is also a spiritual way of life like Rastafarian dreadlocks hair style.

The spirit of Meyesaw also tells me to inform all Meyesawian to have a holy religious Journey from Gafat to Meqdela at least once in their life time. It is like a Holy pilgrim. The birth day of Emperor Tewodros (Meyesaw) is on January 13 (ጥር 6). Therefor January 13 is the holiday of Meyesawian. Belivers can also gain a spiritual blessing by visting the grave of Emperor Tewodros at Mahebere selase Monastery in quara Gonder.

Meyesawian (መይሳዊያን) is a new religious movement like Rastafarian. It is based on the personality of Emperor Tewodros (Meyesaw) as a means of Enlightenment. Believers of Meyesaw worship his heroic deeds and through the work of Art like poetry they find Jah (the true higher Self) within themselves.   

Chewing Chat (ጫት) and listening Meyesaw Music is the Ritual practice of Meyesawian.

So I invite you Gonder and Meyesaw Music video below ... Enjoy it.

I recommended all Meyesawian to Chew Chat (ጫት) on a Daily Basis. Chat reveals to you your own divinity. It is the Golden flower and it is called the tree of life. Thus Chewing Chat and listening Meyesaw Music is the true way of Meyesawian. It is a way of life ...


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

አፍሮ ጋዳ አፍሮ ሽፍጥ


 የህልሜ ነጸብራቅ እይታ 

የሁለት ነገሮች እዉነታ
ጋዳ በመከሰት ሽፍጥ በብዥታ 
በዚህና በዚያ በመሆን አለመሆን  

በዘመንኝና በአገረኛ አኳኳን 
በአንዲቱ ጎዳና በመውጫ በመግቢያ 
ፍቅሯን ለማጣቀስ ክብሯን ለማባያ
የእናት ሀገር ዉበት ክብሯ እዉነት ሲሆን
ዉበት በመከሰት እዉነት በመሸፈን 
አፍሮ ጋዳ አፍሮ ሽፍጥ 
እኔ ከእኔ እያነስኩ ሀገሬ ግን ስትበልጥ 
በእዲህና በእዲያ በዚህ አይነት መግለጥ 
ከጋዳና ከሸፍጥ ማንኛዉን ልምረጥ ?   

ወይ ማጣቀስ ሞኙ ወይ አፍሮ ነገሬ 
ጋዳ ይሻልሻል ሰሚኝማ ሀገሬ  

ይህንን ልተንፍስ ይህንን ልምከርሽ 
እሙ እቴ መዘመን መኳሉ ይቅርብሽ  

በጋዳ ስም ያዝኩሽ በእኔ ይሁንብሽ  

እዲወጣ ሳይሆን አዚም እዲቀርብሽ  

የመቅደላዉ ጀግናሽ ስሙ እዲወሳልሽ
አፍሮ አበጥሪ ሁሉን ነገር ትተሽ 
የዘመኑ ሰደድ ሸፍጡ እንዲቀርልሽ

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Is reading Hama Tuma reading Ethiopia?


I have come to know the Ethiopian writer and poet Hama Tuma with time.  I don’t know if Hama Tuma is his real name or his pen name but knowing the person in his works is far more important than that. This writer who is known as the great satirist in Ethiopian literary history, is indeed worth reading. It was a friend of mine who first introduced me to the works of Hama Tuma. I did actually heard about the writer’s name and a bit about his political writings from one of my theater professor in Ethiopia but it was my friend here in America who encouraged me to check one of his book. At first I was a little reluctant, I don’t know what actually was in my mind. May be it was a part of my Ethiopian paranoia that the writer himself deeply addressed and for that matter philosophized in one of his essay .

It is true that his name sounds a little unfamiliar in Ethiopia. By that I don’t mean his popularity but just the uniqueness of his name by itself somehow made me two think two times before reading any of his book. On one hand I would like to think this sort of causation or my fear if you say, has much to do with my Ethiopian background, on the other hand when I think of my Ethiopian friend first reaction to the name Hama Tuma, I would rather like to differentiate my exaggerated reaction. The writer’s unique name for my friend served in positive way. It ignited his curiosity to know who the write really is. My friend is even thankful for the writer’s name. As he sometimes says without the name Hama Tuma, he wouldn’t know the man Hama Tuma. It was the writers name that first got his attention. I seemed rather puzzled by the writers name for some time. I may not able to point out the reason quite well as Hama Tuma did in one of his essay entitled “Of paranoia and the Ethiopian psyche”. In this remarkable essay, the Hama Tuma touches my unconscious being and in doing so he transcend it to a conscious one.
As a student of theater, I had the privilege to study about the Ethiopian literature to some extent. However I found Hama’s writing style a little different. I don’t claim he is the best among Ethiopian writes both in the past and some of the contemporary writers both in Ethiopian and in Diaspora. However I can tell that his approach of the Ethiopian literary trend is original and no doubt one of the best.  Here is one of the fascinating theme that I find in Hama’s writing. He tries to understand what the whole Ethiopian social and cultural mentality looks like. I believe the writer has a respect for the Ethiopian and the Eastern point of view in general but he would like to integrate it 
with the western individual identity. However his ironic and somehow sarcastic perspective of these two worlds in his satire writing sometimes contradicts the vision he has. The good thing is he makes you laugh whenever he does that. No matter how it looks and sounds at first it can be said that Hama Tuma’s pen is a painting in the making of an Ethiopian state of mind. Until recently I thought of Hama tuma point of view both politically and literary very pessimistic. It took me to read and to reread one of his book to see the reason behind his pessimistic point of view. That I did and within the realm of that I baptized myself under the blessing of a new Ethiopian literary Genius.

                                                  ...... ////////////.....

To read the Article on Debteraw blog click here  Is reading Hama Tuma reading Ethiopia? 

                       Andinet Demisie Melaku (Andu Mela) 

                                     ...... ///////// .....
Comments from Debteraw blog  
  1. Hama Tuma has written many books that are of interest to many.My favorite is Kedada Chereka in Amharic,a fantasy political genre that should be analyzed by capable critics.

  2. Fekerte GH

    I am one of the admirers of Hama Tuma;but I have not read any of his books. I know him just here online.

    Would you please contact me at to send me a copy of the original photocopy that you got from this enigmatic chubby boy? I promise to cover the full cost including some bonus in gratitude!

  3. I know about Hama Tumma but I only read one book can someone list all his books.

  4. BeleteM14: Just log in to the following website:

  5. I don’t know what “reading Ethiopia” is supposed to be like [I try to read the writer most of the time, see the world “according to him”, so to say; coz that’s the only original thing anybody can bring into anything). But I like Hama Tuma from what i read in his blog & in various newspapers in addis.

  6. The case of the socialist witch doctor and other short stories is, in my opinion, one of the best works of literature by an Ethiopian writer.

  7. It is a good idea . I like the way Andinet writes