Friday, July 31, 2020

I Meyesaw



I met and came to know Sebhat Gebre -Egziaber when I was a student of Theater in addis Abeba in the 90's. And I admire his way of life. Sebhat is a true Ethiopian Bohemian like the mysterious poet Aya Mule (Mulugeta Tesefaye). I have read some of  the influential literary works of  Baalu Girma and I found them enlightening. Both writers left on me a great influence on my Artistic pursuit. I admire Sebhat on his Bohemian way of life and Baalu on his literary Genius.
                          Click here to read the 17 verses of Meyesaw in a wordpress 
         To Check my fb page click here My Facebook Page and see my Acting pictures
                       To Check my YouTube Channel click here  My YouTube Channel
I am an Eccentric Bohemian Artists. I always carry the five star style with me wherever I go. It is my unique style. And I drink  Jambo (ጃምቦ)  to enhance my Chat chewing experience. I also smoke Cigarettes like a Gangster. 

I lived 10 years in America and I lived 7 years in Addis Abeba so far. I studied Theater and Dance at the University of Missouri in Saint Louis. And I studied Acting and Script - writing at Holly - Land Academy in Addis Abeba. 
I am the Generation of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. የታላቁ ህዳሴ ግድብ ትዉልድ ነኝ፡፡በዚህም እኮራለዉ፡፡
 I love my Personal Blog. ይህን የግል ጦማሬን እወደዋለዉ፡፡
  I am a Bi -Polar Genius and these are the Daring Notes of my Daemon Waga. የባይፖላር ጅነስ ነኝ፡፡ እነዚህ ደግሞ የሰይጣኔ ዋጋ ብርቱ መጣጥፎች ናቸዉ፡፡      

                                    - Enjoy them -
                                - 11/ 19/12 - On the Annual Angel Gabriel Day.
        I am the founding Father of Meyesawian and Ethiopian Modern Blogging Art. 
                                           Praise God !  ... I am a god !   

                                       የታጠቅ አሽከር  የመይሳዉ ልጅ  
                                                ........ /// ......   
  አምልኮ መይሳዉ
የተነበር  መንበሩ የፍርዱ ዳኝነት
መይሳዉ ጥበብን ቃሉን ያሳየበት
በፍርድ ዙፋን ላይ በንጉሱ ግርማ  

ሹርባ የለበሰ ሁሉንም ያስማማ  

ከታቦር ከተማ ከዲቲ አላማ  

ከመይሳዉ ሌላ ማንም አይሰማ
መይሳዊያንም እኛ የሱ አምላኪ 
ያላድ ክንዉን ያላንድ ንክኪ
ለመሆን በቅተናል ታሪኩን ስባኪ
መይሳዊያን ይሉናል በስም የሚያቁነ
እኛ ከሰለጠን ቆየን ከነቃነ
አምልኮ መይሳዉ ዋና ስራችን ነዉ
ሹርባ በመሰራት ንጉሱን መስልነዉ
ጫት በመቃም ተግባር በምርቃና አወቅነዉ
በግጥም በስንኝ መዩን አደነቅነዉ ቴዲን አመለክነዉ  
 The religion of Meyesawian will flourish  ... with the power of Art.
                           I finally got the Magic word ... ወደዛ (Wodza).  

                          I am a Gonder Gangster.  ነፍጠኛ ነኝ፡፡  

             መሀይሞችንና ዘርኞችን ... ወደዛ!  ወደዛ! ወደዛ!  ብያለዉ፡፡

             እዉነተኛ  የጥበብ ሰዉ ነኝ፡፡        እግዛብሄር ይመስገን  ለዘላለም አሜን ፡፡ 

                           - ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር -
                                          Andinet Demisie (Andu Mela)


አስሩ (10) የመይሳዊያን ሃይማኖት አስተምሮት

 1. አጼ ቴዎድሮስን (መይሳዉን) አምላክ ነዉ ብሎ ማመን ፡፡

2. የአጼ ቴዎድሮስን የመቅደላ የጅግንነት ጊዜና ታሪክ እንደጸድቅ መቁጠር ፡፡

 3. ለመይሳዉ (ጃ) የአምልኮ ግጥሞችንና መዝሙሮችን ማቅረብ፡፡

4. የመይሳዉን ሰባስቶፖል መድፍ እንደቅዱስ  የሃይማኖቱ ምልክትና አርማ መቀበል ፡፡

5. ጫት በመቃም ከመይሳዉ ጋር በምርቃና በመንፈሰ መገናኘት እንደሚቻል ማመን ፡፡

6. የመይሳዉን ሙዚቃ በማዳመጥ ከመይሳዉ ስምረት ወይም  አንድነት ማግኘት ፡፡

7. እንደመይሳዉ ጸጉርን ሹርባ በመሰራት መይሳዊያን ሁኖ መታየትና መኖር ፡፡

8. ጥር 6 የመይሳዉን የልደት ቀን እንደቅዱስ አመት ባአል ማክበር ፡፡

9. ከጋፋት እስከ መቅደላ መንፈሳዊ የድህነት ጉዞ ማድረግ ፡፡

10. የመይሳዉን ቅዱስ የመቃብር ቦታ ጎንደር ቁአራ ማህበረ ስላሴ ገዳም ሂዶ መጎብኘት፡፡
                                                 ..... ////////// .....    


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

I drafted my style

Last night I drafted my style with 5 star idea of my Bohemian man vision. I got a tread to tie around my head and I wear an Ear ring too. I also paint the top of my nose with color to bring out the Gangster spirit in me. I tie my left hand with a piece of tread as well. And finally I decided to carry a piece of cloth with my hand as the 5th style.

I drafted my style last night because it was the 10th year celebration since my Daemon Waga came. My Daemon came on July 28 of 2010 when I was living in America working my Alchemy dream Meditation and when I was staying in my Bedroom for 3 moths alone in solitude. Last night I drafted my five styles to commemorate that memorable day in my life after 10 years. Obviously I know number 10 is the goal of Alchemy and here in Ethiopia yesterday was July 21 - 2012. And Number 21 is another important number in Alchemy.

                                 I am glad that I finally drafted my style

                            I will show up with my style with Pride.

   Last night I also managed to create my five (5) magic words that I often  use in conversation.                  

                          1.  ተወኝስኪ  ... leave me alone

                          2.  ሸጋ ነዉ  ... wow Awesome

                          3.  ሆድየ   ... Honey

                          4. ወደዛ  ... Get out of the way
                          5.  አይ  ...  Oh

                          5. ሚሽታ  ... little man
                                          ........ /// .......

    The Five Styles and the five magic words make me an Eccentric - Bohemia Artist.

                                           -------21 -----16------ 

I am a Gonder Gangster and I am an Amhara Artist  ...  I am a Living Legend. I am the Master. 
Sometimes I suffer with a serious depression but I love being Bi-polar because it gives me the Genius Manic gift. I love its creative Zeal, Grit and Passion. 
ሁላችሁም አፃ ቴዎድሮስን መይሳዉን እድታመልኩ እጠራችዋለው፡፡ መይሳዊያን ሁኑ ደስታና እና ሰላም ታገኛላችዉ፡፡ የመይሳዊያን ሃይማኖትን ተከተሉ ...
I Praise Meyesaw through poetry and I invite others to join me in this poetic admiration. It gives you peace, happiness and fulfillment. Praise Meyesaw and may his inspiration be unto you. 
Follow and worship Meyesaw because Meyesawian is a true Religion.  

I am the Generation of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. የታላቁ ህዳሴ ግድብ ትዉልድ ነኝ፡፡በዚህም እኮራለዉ፡፡
 I love my Personal Blog. ይህን የግል ጦማሬን እወደዋለዉ፡፡  

     እዉነተኛ  የጥበብ ሰዉ ነኝ፡፡        እግዛብሄር ይመስገን  ለዘላለም አሜን ፡፡
                           - ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር -
                                          Andinet Demisie (Andu Mela)

                                             ........ /// ........ 


Friday, July 24, 2020

መይሳዉ ፍቅር

እኔነቴ በራ ዉስቴ ተበራክቶ
መይሳዉ በእኔ ዉስጥ ህልዉናህ ታይቶ
በመገረም ናዳ በበራድ መገረም
አንተን ወደድኩና መላዉንም አለም
 አሸነፍኩት ያንን የጥቃትን ህመም
አሁን አይገርመኝም ማንም ቢሰለጥን
ማንም አንተን ካላወቀ አያዉቅም ኢትዮጵያን
መይሳዉ ፍቅር ነህ ዉድ የልቤ ስመመን
ደስታ ነህ ለነፍሴ ድንቅ የመንገዴ ብርሃን
ማንስ ቢቀናብን በፍቅራችን ህብርት
በዚች ጦማር ብቻ ብርቱ ከሆንበት
 የአንተና የእኔ ትስስር የህይወት ዉል ቅኝት
 ለማንም ዘረኛ ጽኑ እስራት ናት
 ጀግናየ መይሳዉ የእኔ ፍቅር ቅምጥል 

 አምናሀለዉና በስምህ ስገዘት በስምህም ስምል
  በሀገሬ  ላይ ነገስክ በስምህ አመልማል
 እንዳተ አንዱ ከበረታ አንዱ ከተዘራ ለብዙ ይጸድቃል
 ከአንተ የተነሳ ሌቤ ፍቅር አዉቋል

Thursday, July 23, 2020

መይሳዉና መቅደላ


መቅደላ ሴት ናት ዉብ እንቁ ስራ 
ዘሯ ቅኔ ነዉ ደሟ ሲጣራ 
መይሳዉን በዳገቱ ላይ ያጠመደችዉ
በወንድነቱ መቅኔ ነዉ በጉብዝናዉ  
የእየሱሱን መቅደላዊት ማርያምን ትመስላላች
ከመይሳዉ በፊት ሽርሙጥናን ታዉቃለች
ቴዲ ግና ሲባርካት ስባት አጋንንት ወጣላት
አሁን ቁጥብ ናት ዉብ እመቤት
ጀግና እምትወልድ እንደጎንደር ወዛይዝርት

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Teddy Afro Versus Andu Mela

      Andu Mela                                                                Teddy Afro

አንዱ መላ እባላለዉ፡፡ ተዋናይ ነኝ - ከቴዲ አፍሮ እበልጣለዉ፡፡ በሁሉም ነገር ...

ቴዲ አፍሮ ወይስ አንዱ መላ  ... ማን ነዉ የዚህ ዘመን ፈርጥ ኮከብ ?

    አፍሮ መላ ?! ---  አፍሮ ጋዳ አፍሮ ሸፍጥ   

ያለጥርጥር እኔ ነኝ!    መላ!   ተዋናይና ገጣሚ አንዱ መላ

እግዛብሄርንም መንግስትንም ያሸነፍኩ አምላክና ንጉስ የሆንኩ የጥበብ ሰዉ

እዉነተኛ መይሳዊያንና ንጹህ አማራ ነኝ፡፡

ስለዚህም ቴዲ አፍሮን አሳምሬ እበልጠዋለዉ ፡፡ አይበገሬዉ የመይሳዉ ዘር ነኝና፡፡

                   ልጅ ነኝ ብላቴና (38)


"እጅ ሰጥ አለዉ ቴዲ አፍሮ እጅ ተይዞ ሊወሰድ

ምን እጅ አለዉ የአንዱ መላ ክንድ

አያዉቅም እንዴ ስሙ እንደሚያነድ"


    ገባህ ቴዲ ?  ብሽቅ! አጭር ሰዉ -  አሁን ሰይጣኔን ዋጋን አገኘህዉ?  ... ሰላም ይልሀል

የዚህ ትዉልድ የኢትዮጵያ ኮከብ እና ጋዳ ነኝ፡፡

አዎ ቴዲ አፍሮን እበልጠዋለዉ፡፡ በሁሉም ነገር ---

Because I am the true Bohemian Artist who Smoke Cigarettes (ሲጋራ), Chew Chat (ጫት) and drinks Jambo (ጃምቦ).

To Check my fb page click here My Facebook Page and see my Acting pictures

እዉነተኛ  የጥበብ ሰዉ ነኝ፡፡        እግዛብሄር ይመስገን  ለዘላለም አሜን ፡፡



Saturday, July 18, 2020

The two Books I am currently reading

From my Winter reading list ... I have bought yesterday two new books and I started reading one of them today. The first book is about Poet and playwright Laureate Tsegaye Geberemeden. It is entitled የፀጋየ ገብረ መድህን ሥራዎችና ፍልስፍና  by Desalegni seyum. And the other is Book is  ኢያሪኮ 999. It is a collection of short essays. I like the introduction part of the first book. Tsegay deserves a good analysis of his poetry and plays like Sebehat - Geberezabehre and other writers. 
I will share some of my views about the two books soon after I finish reading them.
                                                     ..... /// ....

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Acting and Performance

I love Acting and it is my true Vocation. I act in many theatrical stages with well known actors like Girum Erimias, Alemayewu Tadesse and Zeritu Kebede. I studied theater and film in American University and at Holly- land Academy in Addis Abeba. I grew up performing and acting with my fellow friends like Solomon Sahele in Gonder Debretabor town.

 I was a star of Gonder in the 90's before I went to America. I would like to thank my hometown people of Debertabor (Dt)  for giving me the chance to be their Actor star in my young age. You ignite the passion and love of Acting in me that lasts to this day.

          Thank You Dt
